Baldwin Hamilton White Grand

This Baldwin Hamilton White Grand Piano is a beautiful instrument with a warm, powerful tone.  It is a pure snowy white, glossy finish.  Well-loved, and a lovely addition to any Florida home.
The Piano Guy’s online special:  $8499


This Baldwin Hamilton White Grand Piano is a beautiful instrument with a warm, powerful tone.  It is a 6′ Conservatory Grand made less than 20 years ago, and well-kept in a Florida home.  It is a pure snowy white, glossy finish.  The recent Hamilton grands were made in the Parsons piano factory, with woods and a scale design planned by Baldwin and their top American techs.  The thick maple rims and sand-cast iron plates give the piano stability and more longevity than most pianos.  The low-tension scale and German hammers give this Hamilton H401 Grand a warm, rich tone. Well-loved, and a lovely addition to any Florida home.
Expected retail price:  $15,999
The Piano Guy’s online special:  $8499
Call us now at 941-830-3570 to purchase and set up delivery.


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