Baldwin Walnut Console

This Baldwin Walnut Console is an American-made 42″ console that has a nice tone and responsive action.  Dark walnut cabinet will look nice in many settings, and its small stature allows it to fit anywhere as well.  Nice Baldwins don’t last, so check it out soon!
The Piano Guys’ online special:  $1599

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This Baldwin Walnut Console is an American-made 42″ console that has a nice tone and responsive action.  Chosen by piano teachers as a fine piano to learn or practice on.  It was made in the 80s and was well-cared for, so it has many good years left in it.  Dark walnut cabinet will look nice in many settings, and its small stature allows it to fit anywhere as well.  Nice Baldwins don’t last, so check it out soon!
Expected retail price:  $3199
The Piano Guys’ online special:  $1599
Call us now at 941-830-3578 to purchase and set up delivery.


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