Yamaha Brown Cherry Console

Here is a 30 year old American-made Yamaha console in a brown cherry cabinet.  And this one has a moderately warm tone and the traditional Yamaha light, fast tough.  Built to Yamaha’s top standards, and with American woods by American workers.  Nice find, and Yamaha’s in this price range usually don’t last long.
The Piano Guys’ online special:  $2599


Here is a 30 year old American-made Yamaha Brown Cherry Console in their Sheraton style, the lovely straight lines of an elegant cabinet.  For a decade Yamaha built their uprights in Thomaston, Georgia, and this one has a moderately warm tone and the traditional Yamaha light, fast tough.  Built to Yamaha’s top standards, and with American woods by American workers, this one did them proud.  Nice find, and Yamaha’s in this price range usually don’t last long.
Expected price range:  $4999
The Piano Guys’ online special:  $2599
Call us now at 941-830-3578 to purchase and set up delivery. 


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