Ebony Baby Grand

This Sojin 5’3″ Baby Grand features a moderately bright tone and medium light touch.  The glossy black cabinet stands out and is in very good condition.  This price range always moves quickly.
The Piano Guys’ online special:  $3899  SALE PENDING


This Sojin 5’3″ Baby Grand was made in South Korea and is just over 30 years old.  Well-loved and in very good condition, this piano features a moderately bright tone and medium light touch, with more bass tone than expected on a smaller grand.  The glossy black cabinet stands out in any room, and the performance is suitable to players of most skill levels.  This price range always moves quickly when we can find such quality pianos, so come try it today!
Expected retail price:  $9899
The Piano Guys’ online special:  $3899  SALE PENDING
Call us now at 941-830-3578 to purchase and set up delivery.


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