Ebony Signature Parlor Grand

Here is a Hallet Davis Signature Grand Piano from the Pearl River factory, where Essex and Ritmuller pianos are also made by the same people, with the same materials.  This one is 5’7″ with a fabulous bass, and an impressive action and performance.
The Piano Guys’ online special:  $13,999  SOLD, awaiting new arrival


Here is a Hallet Davis Ebony Signature Parlor Grand Piano from the Pearl River factory, where Essex and Ritmuller pianos are also made by the same people, with the same materials.  This one is 5’7″ with a fabulous bass, and would not be priced so low, except that it is presently our price leader while they get caught up on production with the smaller grands.  Best playing new piano you will find at this price range.  Every time we sit a pro pianist in front of one of these Signature grands, they are impressed with the action and performance, as well as the tone.
Expected retail price:  $21,695
The Piano Guys’ online special:  $13,999  SOLD, awaiting new arrival
Call us now at 941-830-3578 to purchase and set up delivery. 


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