Hallet Davis Professional Upright

Hallet Davis made a 52″ Professional Upright in the Signature series, from the same factory where Steinway has their Essex pianos made–by the same people!  Rich, powerful tone, at a fantastic value.  Get a 6′ grand without taking up the space.
The Piano Guys’ online special:  $5999  SCROLL DOWN FOR MORE INFO


This Hallet Davis Professional Upright in the Signature series is a 52″ Vertical Grand Pianos.  It is from the same factory where Steinway has their Essex pianos made–by the same people with the same woods!  Rich, powerful tone, at a fantastic value.  Get a 6′ grand without taking up the space.
Expected retail price:  $10,995
The Piano Guys’ online special:  $5999
Call us now at 941-830-3578 for price information and purchase.


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